In addition to multiple soccer games, a movie viewing, and a geek convention, we also went to MOMA to check out the latest exhibits. We always over-do things on the weekends. There's just too much fun to be had.
One of the perks of Steve's job is that he gets corporate membership to all the city's museums, so we don't have to pay admissions and we get discounts at the stores and cafeterias. MOMA is a big ticket item and it isn't that child-friendly, but we can swoop in for an hour or so and absorb the cool vibes of the place before the little barbarians revolt. We bribe them with toys from the gift shop and cookies in the cafe.
I was especially looking forward to the kitchen exhibit.
It was good, but there was too much going on. The mix of art with design with media made the exhibit confusing. Just give me shelves of vintage tupperware, and I'm happy.
Hey, there's our radiator!
We also checked out an exhibit of women photographers, because I love Diane Arbus and Cindy Sherman. But my favorite exhibit was one on urban design. The kids were even entertained.
But then it was time for cups and cakes in the cafe...
and toys from the gift shop. It was a perfect day. I got off the soccer field, sucked in a bit of art, and wandered around in a fabulous space wearing a large scarf; the kids were suitably amused and bribed.
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