I surf around pretty broadly on a daily basis. I read the major papers. I call Steve to find out what he's read. I check out my RSS feeds, which contain everything from wonky policy stuff to academic nonsense to mom stuff to gossip. I like to get the wide spectrum of what everyone is talking about. Sometimes everybody is on the same page. Sometimes you get weird clashes.
The weird clash of the afternoon started with Stephanie Coontz op-ed piece on how kids ruin your marriage. I'm not sure where she was going with this piece. Maybe her point was don't have them. She seems to have a grudge against committed, hetero relationships and their spawn.
From there, I flipped to Dooce's monthly newsletter to her daughter. Dooce talks about how her daughter changed her life for the better.
Wouldn't it be great to get those two in a room together and have them fight it out?