My husband and I went to Nyack for Indian food this evening. Before dinner came, Steve pulled out his blackberry to check results in South Carolina. Then I called my mom for more information. Life of the political junkie.
Our waiter overheard our conversation and asked for information. He was overjoyed. He said he couldn't wait to see what the talking heads had to say tomorrow. And the bloggers.
After dinner, we strolled down the street and spotted a TV in a pizzeria. Obama was giving his speech. All the pizza guys in their white shirts had come out from behind the counter and from the kitchen and were watching the speech. We went in and watched the speech with those guys. It was one of those rare bonding moments that you have with strangers. We talked about the upcoming primary and warmly wished each other a good evening.
Matt Yglesias wondered how many ordinary people watched Obama's speech tonight. More than anyone expected.