The best debate on the Internet is now in the conservative blogs.
It started with the Miers nomination. Many conservative pundits were dismayed at the choice. Harriet doesn't have much a CV. As much as they would have loved to trust the president who said that he knew her well, they really wanted to someone who occupied some positions of standing.
Rank and file conservatives have stood by the president. Trust and loyalty were at stake.
Now the debate has morphed into a discussion of credentialism and elitism. Conservative pundits have Ivy league degrees, experience at top journals, and live in New York City or Washington. The rank and file are elsewhere and are suspicious of authority. They have found elitists in their own party.
Jonah Goldberg is talking about Budweiser and ravioli makers. And John Podhoretz is batting off attacks by a creepy anti-Semite.
Anyhow, I'm just sucking up the discussion of elite and elitism that is playing out in this field. Slightly nervous about growing class polarization in this country.
UPDATE: more here