Get ready for the next level in the blogosphere.
Arianna Huffington, the columnist and onetime candidate for governor of California, is about to move blogging from the realm of the anonymous individual to the realm of the celebrity collective.
She has lined up more than 250 of what she calls "the most creative minds" in the country to write a group blog that will range over topics from politics and entertainment to sports and religion. It is essentially a nonstop virtual talk show that will be part of a Web site that will also serve up breaking news around the clock. It is to be introduced May 9.
Henry at Crooked Timber has prognosticated before about the rise of the professional/blogger. Looks like it's happening.
I'm not sure why I'm fairly annoyed by this development. Maybe it's a turf thing. One of the great thing about blogging is that it gives a voice to those who have no other options. Those without experience, wealth, connections, or education can have their say. Nora Ephron, who is slated to be one of Huffington's bloggers, can publish whatever she likes without blogging. As bloggers compete for a finite readership, Huffington's venture is going to push out the novice bloggers.
Or maybe Huffington's blog will bring in a new wave of readers. All boats will float.