Ogged's Ode to the Mommy Blogs. There are lots of new and exciting things about blogs, but for my money, they most significant development so far in blogdom is the rise of the mommy blogs. Yeah!
I Love the 70s. Michael Berube doesn't entirely hate Elton John. I'm not convinced, but enjoyed the flashback to middle school.
I received an e-mail last week with a subject line "money sex and marriage." Hmmm. What to do? Could be a porn offer to check out barely legal teens doing nasty things to farm animals. Opened it anyway. Turns out it was a new blogger inviting me to check out her work. She has interesting posts on money, sex, and marriage, but nothing about farm animals (too bad). Still, good stuff. (If you have a new blog that needs some traffic, leave a note in the comment section below. I'm going to try to do a better job with the links.)
Navel Gazing 101. Academics start blogs. Write academic papers about how important blogs are. Sounds like good, objective research to me. Which reminds me, I have to get my new survey on blogging in order by Saturday.
Tim Burke and I totally had the same beginning French book. He quotes, “Michel, Anne, vous travaillez? Euh, non [maman], nous regardons la television." But I remember the rest.... "Allez, goutez la desert." Other dialogs that Madame Angen drilled into my brain: "Ou est Sylvie? Elle n'est pa la. Ou est Etienne? Il est a la piscine."
That, of course, isn't the point of his post which was actually quite excellent on the art of the lecture. Really interesting in light of all the e-colleges that are sprouting up.
Between the Berube post and Burke post, I'm sitting here at my computer with a big comb sticking out of my back pocket, in corderoy overalls, and big frizzy hair (no hair product back in the 70s).