I've had many discussions with friends about Terri Schiavo in the past few days. While there was little consensus about Terri's state of mind or the motives of her husband, most people agreed on one thing. They needed a living will.
So, what would I have in a living will? I've been working on a rough draft today. Some highlights:
If I'm in a vegetative state for a long time, then it's okay for me to die. But not too quickly. There must be much thumping of my chest by a cute doctor astradle my chest on a gurney. There also must be many attempts to wake me from my slumber by repeated viewings of Monty Python and selected movies by the Coen Brothers.
Since hubby may have alternative motives, like getting his hands on my iMac, there must be a quorum of all family members voting "aye."
If a quorum is found and the suitable chest thomping has occurred, then I don't want to take 14 days to die with chapped lips and sunken eyes. No, I want something more dramatic and glamorous. I want to be dressed in white and shot by mustachioed soldiers. Perhaps I can be posed with my arms up like a Goya painting. That would be good. I also like the idea of dying in motorcycle accident off a steep cliff a la Thelma and Louise. I'll even take the Marilyn Monroe special -- a bottle of pills, a highball, and a photo of the president. Well, not this president.
Just some ideas.
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