In a column for Salon, Rebecca Steinitz refuses to apologize for Ohio. Nearly half the state, like herself, voted for Kerry.
Why do so many children today have so many more problems than earlier generations? Mary Eberstadt, the author of Home-Alone America: The Hidden Toll of Day Care, Behavioral Drugs, and Other Parent Substitutes, points her finger at childcare and divorce.
"Over the past few decades, more and more children have spent considerably less time in the company of their parents or other relatives, and numerous fundamental measures of their well-being have simultaneously gone into what once would have been judged scandalous decline," Mrs. Eberstadt writes. "It is the argument of this book that the connection between those facts cannot possibly be dismissed as coincidence."
Matthew Ygelsias. Proud to call himself an elitist.
Walker Evans is one of my favorite photographers. NPR has some nice examples of his photographs taken in the '30s of straphangers lost in thought.