I'm surfing around looking for commentary and sane analysis. Sorry, but I'm steering clear of the pro-Bush blogs. Don't want to hear any lectures. Like this one from Michele Catalano.
Kevin Drum says the youth vote fell through. What Rock the Vote didn't mobilize drunk college students? Shocked.
Great column by Kristof in the Times. Democrats really need to do a better job connecting with average Americans. One-third of Americans are evangelical Christians, and many of them perceive Democrats as often contemptuous of their faith. And, frankly, they're often right. Some evangelicals take revenge by smiting Democratic candidates. Republican have done a better job reaching the guy in Kansas, even though their economic policies do him no good at all.
Random thought: This election is bad, bad news for Hillary. Because isn't she just Kerry II. She suffers from the same problem of seeming elitist. In 2008, we need a liberal with a populist touch. Hillary doesn't have that.
The Pollster Scorecard: They were right that this election was going to be a squeeker. They screwed up the exit polls. They didn't get until too late that this election wasn't about terror or the war. It was all social values.