Some people seem to stride through life with complete surity and purpose. They part their hair with precision in the morning. They don't dither over the menu in McDonalds. And they always vote with a party, because they are quite sure that the other side is a)a bunch of Northeast pansies or b)armed, white guys in pickup trucks.
Then there are those who have to dissect every issue finding nuances and contractions. They struggle with decisions such as bar soap or liquid soap, ranch dressing or spicy vinagrette, and at what age do mini-skirts finally become a no-no. These people don't fit neatly into any ideological group or party and this election is driving them bananas.
They might like Bush's foreign policy, but hate his social policy. They might like Kerry's economic policy, but his tax bracket might be a turn off. Oh, there are trade offs, and those who see the world as grey, rather than black and white are having a hard time this election (but they probably always do).
Since I gravitate to the tortured people, here are some posts by bloggers who have endorsed a candidate, with qualifications:
Dan Drezner -- Kerry
Megan McArdle -- Bush
Andrew Sullivan -- Kerry
(more to come)