Just some links today, guys. I'm a rather tired blogger today
Dad sent me a link to this interesting blog. Read her post about being a victim of racial profiling.
Because I always enjoy a good Buffy analogy...
In other words, Season 7 of Buffy always struck me as a fairly explicit critique of Bush's foreign policy (even if dullards on the right missed it), and a foreshadowing of a superior Kerryist alternative. Even Willow's tentative embrace of her own power and overcoming of her own fears about how she might use her power for evil echoes the European (and especially German) struggle with the past; as in Season Four (Adam) and Season Five (Glory), Buffy can only defeat evil when working closely with a self-confident and allied Willow.
This theme runs consistently through the Buffy series: strength comes from teamwork, not from one's own power.
(via fistful o' euros)